Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Inbox of Immaturity

Figured if anyone's having as difficult a time coming back to work after the 3-day vacation (or generally coping with the fact that summer's done), you'd be down for a little midweek immaturity. Also, although it's been a Friday thang in the past, I've always suspected that Wednesday may be more appropriate. While people may slack and have more time to watch the ridiculousness on Fridays, Wednesday may be the day that peeps most need a break. It also gives them time to pass on their favorite to their social circle and get the credit for being the purveyor of funny. Plus, Wednesday is often referred to as "Hump Day," which is kind of in the same spirit as IOI.

(I love that that whole paragraph was written as if people are actually reading this in the first place. Not to be self-effacing for the sake of it, but definitely should have been more active in my first month leaving Fallon if I wanted to convert mofos.)

Anyway, here's some nonsense for your Hump Day. A late lunch perhaps.
Apps: Thor Action
Main: Uncle Otto k-bob
With a small side of obvious
Second Helpings: It's Britney, b*tch
Dessert: Cadbury chocolate bar

Thanks to Aki for working that kitchen to feed y'all this week.

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