Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Working at Wieden

I never made a formal announcement because I told the 15 of you who read this at least somewhat regularly in-person. However, given that every once in a while Google Analytics shows me that someone from another part of the globe drops in (on?), it behooves me (yes, behooves—I'm always jealous when other people get to use that word , so even if there's a better verb here, I'm going with behooves) to post to the world that:

(1) I now work at Wieden + Kennedy. (Day 12)
(2a) The nonsense expressed here is all me baby.
(2b) Neither Wieden nor Kennedy know I have a blog. (But a few AE's do)
(3) Just rounding the list out with a number 3, so it looks prettier and officialier.

I'm working mostly on ESPN. You've probably already realized a bit of an increase in sports-related posts. And this trend will likely continue as the job requirement to "be even more of a sports fan" is one I've been gladly fulfilling.

Finally, for the many of you who aren't in the industry, definitely go check out the agency's site. But let me highlight a few things of the things (in addition to the kick ass work on ESPN - I'm saying that as a pre-job fan) that drew and now continue to draw me to this place:

Coca-Cola and Nike and Honda. London's blog and holiday card (well actually it's not PC in that regard; it's a Christmas card). Portland's school, and the fact that they get involved with things like Ignite Portland, the premise of which is this: "If you had five minutes on stage what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds?" (You can see videos of the presentations here)

But just like any place, it's all about the people. They are some of the most creative people I know and have done some of the work I admire, yet they're all approachable and importantly not territorial. In 13 days, I've concepted with a writer, brainstormed with digital media, written briefs, and played pipeball (more on that See for yourself below where I've embedded a video of some of the guys I work with (in our offices at the start):

Be hooves.


Anonymous said...

congratualtions el gaffney. great gig. say hello to neal for me.


Jake said...

I have to say that ESPN commercials have been consistently good for many years. Don't fuck it up.

Anonymous said...

Can you please make NFL Sunday Countdown not suck?

I think a picture of my taint would test better than Emmitt Smith... it would definitely not suck at commentary.

Hope all is well. Come back to MPLS sometime.

Seth said...

-thanks gareth. will do.
-jake, don't think you're going to get me to give a self-deprecating response. i'm going to help make them even better. more importantly, i'm going to help espn serve fans even better through content, experiences, and other innovations. biatch. (i had to add that to make it less serious and marketingy.)
-matt o., are you talking about the programming or the ads? i think the studio show but just want to be clear. i have less impact on that at the moment as you prob know; however, hopefully will be getting involved earlier in process and in more aspects of the product (the program). and i'll def come back sometime in '08.

Oakie Chiraskamin said...

Congrats Seth. Best of luck.

Matt said...

I'm talking about the actual program (which I'm aware you have little impact on (at the moment)).

I think I just want reassurance that someone will be working to get Emmitt fired for having zero ability to effectively analyze football using the English language (while on camera).

Stay gold, Ponyboy.

Seth said...

-ha. i'm going to stay quiet on that one matt. as chappelle would say "i plead the fif".
-oakie, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the job - love the vice video, looks like some cool people to work with.