Lately I've been, as the kids say, "getting digi with it." Actually, we never say that because Will Smith isn't cool...unless of course it's Fresh Prince reruns. No not those, the older ones when Vivian Banks is played by Janet Hubert-Whitten. You probably like the U.S. version of The Office better. Oh man, now I'm mixing sarcastic rants and I'm pretty sure stealing from an Onion article too. Anyway, as I was saying, I've been trying out (or found) a few different sites/platforms/whatever-the-nerds-call-them over the past week and wanted to give a quick update.
1. Tumblr: I'm leading with this because it's the one about which I'm most enthusiastic...and late too the game as well! I've been "testing it out" for about a week now here. (Yes, I'm still El Gaffney.) And I have to say I've found to be ridiculously easy, fast, and fun to contribute. It allows you to post from a variety of places—from the site, a browser tab, a desktop widget, and most importantly, from your phone or BlackBerry. I love the mobility of this format for posting pictures with captions. Plus, it allows you to bring in up to five feeds from outside blogs, twitter,, Digg, VOX, or YouTube. While it doesn't beg for a long post like a blog (see right in front of you), it is limited in the conversational nature of Web 2.0. You can create groups and follow friends, but people cannot comment what has been tumbled. Regardless, I recommend this platform to anyone whom finds blogging appealing but daunting.
2. Seeqpod: I've been telling people about the song "Summertime in the LBC" by The Dove Shack for years now. (Basically whenever I'm talking about camp or early rap jams like Regulate.) I've even spent some time looking for it on old mix CD's (I'm certain I have it so refuse to buy it.) Not anymore, thanks to Seeqpod—a site that lets users search and find audio and video from across the Web. And, what I find really cool is how easily you can share what you find...
3. Tooble: Learned about this one from the incredible Brand Flakes for Breakfast (as well as Seesmic—a video conversation site, which I still need more time to try out but they believe is gonna be huge). Basically Tooble is a technology you download that let's you import YouTube videos into your iTunes and then onto your video iPod. As someone who doesn't have a video iPod, I was more interested in getting YouTube videos onto my hard-drive so I could then upload them into powerpoint. See how I had to hyperlink everything in my Georgetown Marketing Association presentation? Now I don't have to. I can import these videos into my pres and have them play without getting online. My only gripe is that the quality suffers a bit, which could be an issue since many YouTube videos are already a bit blurry. Yet, I can think of a handful of times I really could have used this application. So go for it, presenters!
What do you think? I mean, I'm no Tom Green, but I may need to get myself a new Web 2.0 logo pretty soon. And thanks to Matthew for the inspiration—a post on Blackberry apps. Got any other suggestions of online tech to check?
P.S. Is anyone on Pownce anymore? It was supposed be a new great way to share files, links, messages, etc. with people (I think mostly files—music and pdf'ed articles, for example). But if my 15 friends are any indication, this place is a ghost-town.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Technology Report from a Not-So-Early Adopter
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Do Day: Nike+ Follow-Up
So I finally got my Plus calibrated correctly. (Now that I know it can work, I can call it by it's nickname.) Just a quick history: My first run was outside along the Hudson River on MLK Jr. Day when it was a little under 20 degrees. I ran about 6 and a half miles at a pace I estimated to be between 7:45 and 8 minutes/mile. I "ended workout" to hear the surprising results—distance clocked in at 1.11 miles and average pace at approximately 46 minutes/miles. Chilly Vanilly-stle, I blamed it on the cold, yeah, yeaaaah. But after checking out the problem online (through various sites (not WebMD) and im convos), I came to realize the issue may have been two-fold:
1. I did not calibrate my Plus pre-run. (This is especially important for people with the sensor pouch tied to their laces vs. owning Nike plus sneaks.)
2. I had the sensor turned the wrong way. (It should be facing up—orange side toward the sky.)
Feeling lack a jackass, I went to the gym last Tuesday evening after work to give it another shot. I got chivaned again. (For those who don't know, "chivan" is a word I came up with in high school. It means dissed and can be used as a verb in any tense. Most often I'd call out a friend's name, he'd turn around to find me gone or talking to someone else. He'd look around confusedly until I'd suddenly acknowledge him and hit him with a proud "Chivan." Get it? I was 7 years old in high school.) Anyway, I attempted to calibrate on the treadmill 4 times in a row using 1 mile as the distance each time. The closest I came to correct distance and pace was .15 miles shaved and :50 added, respectively. I certainly was not going to upload these runs to, and honestly, I was ready to give up.
That was, until this past Saturday afternoon when I was home on Strong Island for my girlfriend's mother's 60th birthday party. It was a surprise and deserves an entire post, which I'll never write because having our relationship status visible on Facebook is more than enough info for everyone. Either way, I wanted to be relaxed, energized, and looking thin in the face (immediate results seen) so I decided to take it to the streets (yes, the streets of Dix Hills). I calibrated like a good boy should and was, as you can imagine, shocked to hear the right distance and pace. And then I was inspired to go double on my 2.5 mile training for soccer season loop. (I'll run you up quick...two times!) Here are upload- and post-worthy results:
I'm still expecting some trash talk from Adrian, who called Mike and I out by challenging us (as you can see on the link) to beat a 4 miles at 6:15 pace. Anyone who runs knows I'm not even close. That minute-ten per mile is probably not going to happen. Thus, I may just ignore that pace thing and counter with a distance-focused challenge. (Of course that won't happen until he heals—can't take advantage of an injured old man. :)) Also of note, the next time I got on the treadmill the distance (and thus, time/mile) was off again. I've heard this is normal. Is this true even for certified Nike plus shoe wearers? Either way, it still sucks for the winter.
Regardless, this week's Do Day is a follow-up to the last line of my first DD post. I think every other week will feature a different doer. (And while running may be a theme as I am most likely going to train for the NYC Marathon, the doers will be diverse.) Profiling people on a weekly basis is a bit too much—I wouldn't be able to carve out the time to do them justice or keep my life open to spontaneity. Which sounds like a line for the ladies (they love spontaneous dudes), but as you see I have a woman, so you be sure it's about protecting Seth time.
Monday, January 28, 2008
KISS for Participation
What can I say, I'm a sucker for branded interactive sites. You keep it simple and let me personalize it, and I'll engage (and often send). I've Elfed, Simpsonized, and Sweded myself in the past year. Last month I sent a holiday card from a robot thanks to Puma.
I've created my own BFD pizza in the past week (see below).
And today, I kept life sexy. (Note: There's a very cool element where you can narrow down the inputs by age and gender.)
As we continue to explore ways to better measure the results of viral beyond visitors, views, "sends", and friends, I thought I'd at least do my part to support the brands (and agencies) that are, as Bruce Dickinson would say, "exploring the space." I may not have run to Office Max for binders lately but hopefully parents did. (It seems they've got some good results.) Now, I'll order the pizza; you go get the K-Y.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Inbox of Immaturity
Switching gears from the last post (which I'm going to have to get used to), here's some silliness that came into my life this week.
Rich, hip, male college students everywhere are going to go wild for the weather thanks to Maxim.
Though I don't think we'll be seeing Obama on The Moment of Truth anytime soon, I'm pretty sure he'd pass denying these allegations. (Viral note: up to 100,000 views in 1 week.)
You've seen Hakeem's psychic abilities. What you didn't know was that this was also happening last weekend - sad.
Staying on the sports tip, my friend Jake has written a great post on fan etiquette, complete with the infamous UNCriers.
And finally, it doesn't get much more immature than a 26 year-old creating a facebook group to petition Mark Z. to edit the "edit friend details" options. It's all for learning and fun. (At least that's what I keep telling myself.)
Plus, it's not like I'm 30 and competing in The Gauntlet III! However, I did watch the season premiere, and it's going to be awesome!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Do Day: Running for a Cause
I could not think of a better way to kick off the "Do Day" profile series than with an interview with Jen Giroux. Running has been top of mind recently for me with recent resolutions ("run more" - I keep 'em pretty simple) and the purchase of my Nike +. But more than that device or even looking at pictures of my marathon-ready self from September 2006, Jen provides the motivation I need to get out there and run! I love receiving her update emails, and upon receipt of the last I asked if I could feature her here. Thankfully she agreed and the rest, as they say, is below...
In July of 2006, Jen decided to run a marathon in memory of her friend, Steven Bouvier (Bouv), who was lost to lymphoma in 2005 at the age of 29. She had never run more than "maybe three miles...with walk breaks," let alone a marathon. But on January 14, 2007, she ran her first marathon and raised OVER $10,000 for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society with Team In Training to help fight against blood cancers.
She didn't stop there. In June 2007, she ran her second marathon in San Diego, mentoring others and helping in their fundraising efforts. And Jen is now training for her third Paris! Oui, it's true. She once again has ambitious goals: 1. to raise $20,000 and 2. to cut 20 minutes off her time. If anyone can do it, Jen can—and that's why I had to ask her a few questions.
But before I get into that, I urge you to take a look at her running blog, which gives an inside (and fun) look at her past and present training/fund raising, and if you feel compelled, DONATE.
(Note: Rather than "bold" the questions, I used it to highlight some points that I found particularly interesting/insightful. Let me know if you're not feeling that move. And also, since this is my first time doing one of these blog interviews you may find the questions random or lame or something else not good. Feel free to leave a constructive criticism in the comments as well. It's a learning process, and thanks Jen for bearing with me!) Okay, now here we go.
---What was your first step (no pun intended) in transforming idea into action?
I guess the first thing for me was research (as boring as that sounds). I got the itch to "do something good", and I knew I wanted to do something for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, because my friend died as a result of Hodgkin's. So for me, it ended up being really easy because as soon as I searched the LLS + charity events, I learned about Team in Training. I signed up for an info session intending to participate in a bike ride, and by the end of the session I found myself signing up for a marathon. I remember my friend asking "Aren't you even going to think about it?" and I answered "If I think about it, I'm going to talk myself out of it" and passed in my paperwork. Thus the running & fundraising madness began.
---Where is your favorite place to run in NYC?
The upper loop of central park in the evening.
---What is the most surprising thing that happened since you've been running for a cause?
I think the overwhelming support of both people I know and complete strangers. I would say am not an overly or overtly emotional person, but I would often find myself misty-eyed over a lot of the emails I would get back from people.
Also the impact of a lot of people doing a little - of the $10,000 or so I raised, there were no donations over $200. That was really special to me - how many people had taken the time and effort to be involved.
Finally, that I'm now running my third marathon. I used to hate running and now, well, it still doesn't come easy, but its something I really enjoy. Oops, that's three things, isn't it.
---Totally fine. What's the song that keeps you going (during running and/or off)?
Sunday Bloody Sunday. It makes me think of bigger things than how much my feet/legs hurt.
---How do you find the time to train, fund raise, do it all?
Honestly, sometimes I'm not sure. I think you have to make the time for things that mean a lot to you, especially living in NYC where there's always a million things to do. I try to do my solo runs in the morning because that's really the only way that I can truly assure they get done. Fundraising and blogging happens after hours since I'm a bit of a night owl. I actually do a lot of the thinking about what's going to be in my emails and other ideas while I'm running. I probably pay the biggest price in sleep.
---How did you decide on this years fund raising goal? Last year's?
Last year I initially was only going for five. After my first letter I think I raised almost $3,000 and I decided, what the hell, I've got 6 more months, let's go for double digits. As far as this year, I kind of just pulled it out of the air. I probably would have been more prudent sticking with the same or maybe going for $15,000, but I don't feel like I have anything to lose by aiming high (except for maybe a little blow to my ego). This year is going to be more challenging because people know that I can actually run a marathon so I think that effects the fundraising. But, I'm planning on some other things - more outreach to my hometown local organizations, a few events, and a more organized E-bay bum auction.
---What is the key to maintaining momentum?
Setting up a plan/calendar for whatever you're doing helps immensely. I send updates roughly every 3-4 weeks or around training and fundraising milestones like big races. If you give yourself little deadlines, it makes it less likely that you'll find yourself waiting until the last minute.
Also, I really really try to keep my blog enjoyable/fun to read, and not completely focused on "give me your money!" (although that is of course is the end goal). Most of the people I'm writing to are probably never going to run a marathon or similar so I really try to write about things that are inspiring, exciting, frustrating - a genuine account of my experience doing this. Then I hope that people find the stories interesting. I think when that happens, people are more than happy to contribute.
---What do you credit most for your success?
There's a lot of little things - a self-depreciating sense of humor, a broad email list full of good people, a great charity all have something to do with it. But I'd give the most credit to doing something I'm very passionate about and really believe in. Even though all this began because of something of very sad and painful, the "ripple effect" of good things and how many people have been touched as a result...all the people donating, and reading the blog, helping other people fund raise, makes me very proud. Being the catalyst for all that was something I could personally could do to (for lack of a better term) honor our friendship and helped me deal with Bouv's death in the best possible way I could.
And where ever he is, I'm sure he gets a good laugh at the sight of me out running every Saturday morning. I usually do.
---Can't follow that up with anything except, thanks so much Jen!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Foreshadowing Fun
Who would have thought that the event Eddie Murphy described just about 20 years ago in one of my favorite movies would take place in real life? Somebody call up David Sheffield and Barry Blaustein (the screenplay writers) for a statement or check their other movies for some more character soothsaying? (I've been a fan of the soothsayer since reading Julius Caesar in high school and have been trying to work it—and "aluminum siding"—into a post for a quite a while. Leap of Faith, anyone?) By the way, what team did St. John's play in that sport where you can use your hands?
Monday, January 21, 2008
Blogging for Two Years
Trust me, I can't believe it either. But since it is a bit of a milestone, I thought I'd take this time to reflect back on my formative blogging years. (Apologies upfront, but please be prepared to see the word, blogging, at least 50x.)
Probably the first thing I learned was that it was "unrealistic" to use "dreams" as a strict theme for this blog. (Here is my first post. Note my first 4 had that word in the title.) More importantly, I realized I didn't really want to limit myself that early. At the beginning, I was using this blog as an experiment, as a way to better understand the space (sphere). Learning is still the primary goal but it has now taken different forms, which I'll touch on later in this post.
The second (in time and second biggest) thing I learned was regardless of theme, it is hard to sustain momentum in posting. At three months I briefly joined the 45% of people that give up on their blog after the initial honeymoon period. See. I think it's safe to say I burned myself out; I had 27 posts in my first month. That was cut in half in the second month, and by month three I was down to 1 post. April was a complete drought, and then I picked back up in May and June (even changed the color of the site) only to stop blogging for about eight months until March of 2007. (So I guess this post should really be titled, "Having a Blog for Two Years.") Anyway, since then I've been pretty consistent on a month-to-month basis.
I got my start contributing to the blogosphere at Fallon's Planning Blog. Specifically, I found my niche in that team was presenting links to the videos, articles, and sites that were being passed around my young "professional" group of friends. The Inbox of Immaturity was meant to give people a quick look into the taste level of twenty-something guys and if not that deep, a quick break from work and the heady posts of others in the plannersphere. Posting almost weekly for the IOI helped me get into a rhythm and develop my voice.
It also inspired the renaming of my blog. No, it wasn't always called El Gaffney. Likely only my parents and a few friends remember the days of Salvador Walleye. My Vonnegut obsession at the time, and the fact that I lived in Minnesota led me there. Man, did I think I was clever! (The renaming post should clarify.)
At this point, I must thank Aki (AKI SYSTEMS 2600) for starting that blog and opening up this world to me as well as being my most helpful teacher of everything Web 2.0. I also must thank Michael for deciding to interview me back then and showing me the potential of blogging for sharing ideas and making friendships.
Honestly when I look back over these couple of years, those have been the two greatest roles my blog has played:
1. A gateway to (trying) new technologies (for ex: twitter,, slideshare)
2. A gateway to (making) new friends (for ex: clay, whom I met in person last week - and confirmed is just as awesome as expected)
I had no idea what a catalyst this blog would become. Blogging has helped me stay interested (and perhaps become more interesting) and get involved in the conversations happening in the advertising industry mostly. And I am proud to have inspired other friends to create blogs.
What excited me most is I realize that I've only scratched the surface of what this blog can be and do. I look forward to more experimentation, learning, entertainment, inspiration (both being inspired and hopefully inspiring), and action. So it goes...with a plethora of pinatas!
(Picture from B-Mel on Flickr)
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Paying Tribute to the Past
Tomorrow is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. This is the first agency at which I've worked which gives the day off. I don't have any major plans. I have a lot of things I should probably be doing from getting organized to running to getting a new Blackberry to watching/reading the many tributes to MLK Jr. I have also realized that my first post ever was on this national holiday two years ago. It was about titled, "Dreams." My second post gave a shout-out to Google for its adaptable logos. Let's see what they'll do tomorrow.
Thankfully I know what I won't have to do and that is answer any calls from the office asking where I am!
ADDENDUM: Here's the Google homepage image on MLK Jr. Day 2008.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Inbox of Immaturity
This week saw some major stories in immaturity. Undoubtedly, you've heard about and/or seen them as well. So apologies if I'm not giving most of you anything new. Hopefully I'm keeping a few of you in the loop. Either way, I'm keeping all this ridiculousness in one place, so when that time comes down the road where you need to reference these stories (or other similarly themed moments), you can come here and search the IOI. These don't need any introduction.
Tom Cruise talks about Scientology.
Colbert gets hung in the Smithsonian.
Aussie Spicoli knows how to party. And you can party in a tribute t-shirt.
And just in case you want a taste of immaturity at the personal level, let me give you a more inside view at the conversations amongst my friends on email. This week one buddy wrote that he was "feening for a fortune cookie." Another replied, "what's feening mean?" The original feener went straight to the Urban Dictionary for the answer. The end. Hope you learned something...about Jodeci at the very least.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Do Day: First Weak
I'm still working on getting this going and I don't want to put up any half-assed conversations up there and pawn them off as interviews because it's not fair to the doers or you readers. Neither are run-on sentences.
One thing I came across in this category last week was an image posted by Russell Davies. I found it profound and applicable to the ad industry (which I'm sure is why he put it up on his blog in the first place). I believe the next set of planners are going to be more like producers. I believe a lot of them already are. I believe it's something I want to become more like. Like seriously! (Please send me to Africa, MTV.)
So with that said, I know this is weak but I wanted to get in the habit of doing this weekly post. I'm a huge believer in the importance of gaining momentum in getting things done (and done better). Just think about any new business pitch in which you've been involved. How incredible are some of the things you create in a matter of weeks? How incredible would it be if you could build and sustain that energy in your office every day? (And let people go home and sleep.)
Lastly, in an attempt to hold myself to doing, I'm pledging to set up my Nike + and go for a run by the end of the week. Hollister.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Movies Making Moves
I was on the cusp of writing about the marketing of J.J. Abrams' Cloverfield and Lost. However, three things made me decide to make this post more specific to movies:
1. Much has already been said about both. (In particular, I recently saw Three Minds post about Cloverfield and Brand Flakes post about Lost.)
2. Last night's unfortunate and awful Golden Globe production make movies top of mind. (It was the first time I felt the real impact of this writers' strike.)
3. I just saw this pretty excellent site for Be Kind Rewind. (Image below is from the Swede Yourself section.)While this site is not novel in its idea or application, it is relevant to the movie and does follow the (tentative and changing) rules of viral success: make it personal, make it simple, make it slippery. (via Herd)
It has "pass-ability" like its predecessor, Simpsonsize Me—which I read had over 16 million hits and 700,000 photos uploaded in 3 days. It makes nice use of the actors, Jack Black, Mos Def, and Danny Glover like Snakes On A Plane did with Samuel L. Jackson—may have not have made money to match the buzz, but over 1.5 million calls were sent in week one alone. Even it's not the most novel or cool thing out there, it does show that movie studios are investing in the digital space with interactive content. And they are showing they understand communities and community needs, whether its galvanizing an existing community (often times the case for a sequel or book adaptation or even leveraging a fan club of an actor). Kite Runner did both with its clubs for pre-screenings, celebrity-signed kite auction for charity on eBay, and other prizes.
I must say, however, that most fall short in continuing the relationship with movie goers. They create excitement, get people to the theaters, let the film speak for itself, and assume people will recommend to friends, family, coworkers, etc. Which is not a bad assumption. Lots of us love to talk about movies. However, there seems to be an opportunity to aid in this WOM by applying some time and effort to reconnecting post-seeing the movie, especially in the online world. Rather than have people leave and lose them, why don't we extend the conversation and make it easier for people to share their thoughts (hopefully recommendations). Whether its through more related content (new side characer story-lines, for example), badges to wear with pride on your blog or Facebook profile (or even soundtrack samples), sites that are only accessible to those who saw them movie (make them answer a question from the movie) that offer exclusive merchandise or other experiences, etc., it is largely under-leveraged.
In short, viral shouldn't stop at the end credits.
I remember feeling that way about Juno. I left the theater wanting to tell (just about) everyone I knew to get tickets immediately. Instead of sending a mass text though, I hit up Twitter and told 40 people rather than 140. I wanted to post about it and title the post, "Honest to blog" but couldn't remember the line. My old boss, Nigel believed strongly in the power of highly repeatable thoughts. Most times they took the form of taglines. Movies usually have hundreds of little pieces of highly repeatable lines, stories, thoughts baked in. The more we can give a taste of this interestingness, interactivity, and i-(shit no i-word) how about "viral-ity" into our communications pre- and POST-viewing, the better.
There's probably such a thing as over-promoting (think Jerry Seinfeld for Bee Movie) but overall it seems movies are again remembering the success of The Blair Witch Project—which grossed $248MM at the box office with a $25K budget.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Inbox of Immaturity
My friends and I have had this argument in many forms over the past 8 years or so. Some debates are well-documented (on our xanga page). We're pretty smart dudes (which may be debatable as well given we've had this discussion multiple times in various types) and have applied our own logic, but never before have we had a tool to answer this question. ("Tool" as in useful test not loser.) In fact, the site was inspired by an online forum post. So the question, if you haven't already read ahead or been distracted by the beautiful graphic below—Obey my dog!—is: How many five year olds can (one of) you take in a fight?
Looking for payday loan?
Yes, I'm a huge wimp - but I also answered honestly and would have a problem picking one of the kids up and using him as a weapon!So anyway, take the survey and let me know how much more of a bad-ass you are than me. (Or is it "than I"? - Please answer this as well.)
Sticking with the fighting/competing theme... Many of you probably saw this a while back (I actually posted it in an IOI back at Fallon), but since American Gladiators is topical it has made a comeback amongst my buddies. Yes, Malibu is truly amazing - though not as pretty as Titan.
Another not so pretty thing comes from the college sports world. The video actually has a setup card before showing the clip, so I'll just send you to the Texas Tech "Bell Ringer".
And lastly, (I guess this one also follows the story's progression) a link that I frankly don't find funny at all. I do find it pretty disgusting and putting the Advisory Nasty stamp on it (which will probably make more of you watch than act as a deterrent) But I'm just here to report, and sometimes what you're sent is this. (I have no idea what it's for, if anything.)
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Do Day: The Wednesday Rebrand
He's a lot like the boy-hero in the 1953 musical The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T.—the only feature film written by Dr. Seuss, and one of Gondry's favorite movies. In it, an evil piano teacher forces 500 children to practice at a gigantic piano 24 hours a day. One boy devises a technique to escape the nightmare. 'The boy and his friend get a pot,' recounts Gondry, 'and start to mix everything they can in it. They take a little bone, a little rope, a key, and mix and mix until it becomes gooey and starts to smoke. Finally, they invent this machine that steals sound. I think this way. Just make things and it's going to work. I'll make it work.'-Jennifer Hillner with Michel Gondry
(Read the rest of the Wired article here)
In 2007, I was really inspired by other bloggers' (now friends') ability to as my current agency's marquee client would say: "Just Do It." From Clay's making a ton of stuff (including a ping pong paddle for me!) to Noah's multiple hit sites in a single day to Michael's conference and non-profit organization, I've gained a lot of insight into the process of creating and, importantly, a lot of motivation to start making things myself. (As this blog is as much a diary and self-promoting tool as anything else, you can be sure you'll be hearing more about the things I create in 2008 - yes more rhyming!!!)
Seriously though, I'm constantly trying to figure out what this blog actually is, so I can then better figure out what I want it to be. The only expertise I claim is all things Me (in fact, my what's in a name post is one of my most viewed) and maybe an out-shoot from that in immaturity. But in an effort to expand my horizons by focusing (I think this is what I'm doing), I have indulged another passion of mine. No, not rhyming, but you're close... Creating catch phrases. (Note: I'm calling them catch whether they catch on or not - see bevistated.)
So from this day forth (assuming I remember) Wednesday on El Gaffney will be "Do Day". The quote above is my first attempt, but I'm not exactly sure what Do Day will entail. I'm thinking I will interview (I use this term very loosely) someone of these Gen GuYs (on the left sidebar) about all sorts of stuff, and I'll interview some others about Gen GuYs and other sorts of stuff.
I don't want to make it too prescriptive since I already have such a strong commitment to the IOI. (Yes, I realize what "comes out" when you pronounce this new term for Wednesday really fast.) And I don't want to force it either because as I learned on a Chappelle's Show look back at an interview Dave did about civil rights "people don't like to be forced." (Dave's commentary: "Oh, you mean like slavery forced.") Anyone remember that episode? Anyone else miss that show regularly still?
Anyway, we'll see how Do Day works out and how I gets along without all the humping.
Monday, January 07, 2008
I'm Buying Nike +
Read two blog posts the other day that made me tip. The first at Influx Insights pointed me to the a page on the website with resolutions. Since one of my resolutions is to run more—I think I'm going to train for the NYC marathon this year, and if not that one, a different 26.2 mile event—and I haven't laced up the sneaks yet, I figured this was a relevant message and buying the gear would be an appropriate place to start. However, it wasn't until a couple of RSS feeds later that I hit Brand Flakes for Breakfast, which pointed me to this Nike Plus spot, that I realized there was no turning back.
I have a Nano already; a little (RED) one came with my black MacBook purchase back in May 2007. I had given it to my dad since I was rocking the U2 Limited Edition (bought for the color, not the love of the band - yes, that's how I roll and I can't be the only one). But since I saw it still sitting atop the microwave in the kitchen unopened when I returned home for the beginning of the holiday, I'm taking it back. I will pass big old original on to my pops so he can add his Rolling Stones and Dr. Wayne Dyer to my Girl Talk and Dj. Khaled.
So, I went to the Apple store and picked up the Nike + package with the sensor and receiver as well as a nano-holding arm-band.
Now all I'm lacking (to my knowledge) is a pair of Nike + shoes. Any suggestions? As much as I'd rather use my Mizunos and respect the efforts of non-Nike wearing predecessors, I don't see myself hacking this product.
Friday, January 04, 2008
Inbox of Immaturity
As promised, Funny or Die brings you this short work-week's break. I remember the joy I found in finding DailyTube - I thought I'd just scan the filtered videos and post my favorites if ever I lacked immaturity for a week. However, due to forgetfulness coupled with my desire to keep this as authentic as possible, I left that site alone until today when I thought about how I almost claimed it to be my YouTube killer (or more like a new friend that I started to spend more time with and not call YouTube over for pizza rolls and NHL '95 on Sega Genesis anymore). Well, now I am cautious of making a ridiculous claim about Funny or Die but do want to say there are some real gems on the site. I encourage you to check out "The Green Team", for example, which like the video below was passed on to me by a co-worker.
I had a few resolutions but none of them will impact my immaturity level and ability to bring it to you on (for the most part) a weekly basis. More on resolutions in my next post.
EXTRA: Beer Pong Tournament announcement in Vegas.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Kicking Off 2008
One of my favorite sites of 4th quarter 2007, had to be someecards. Basically the site is a creative, aesthetically-pleasing, easy to use, and free Blue Mountain with wit and without dancing pink elephants. The cards come close to the line but rarely cross it, and over the holiday period I sent quite a few of them. Like some of you I'm sure, I use the Rule of A Few Randoms as a "tipping point" gauge. So when I received a card from someone from both sexes, three different occupations, two different age groups, and a hipster, I decided it had tipped. But I do not believe it has jumped the shark. In fact, if they continue to keep the one-liners fresh (which would not be too hard), they'll be fine. I think they can be even better if they create yearly archives, let you track the cards you've sent and to whom you've sent them and on which occasions, team up with birthdayalarm or facebook, and/or consider expanding with some new art direction (and copy) to appeal to a different personality type, age group, etc. And that's just off the top of my head - someecards, holla at your boy. Shit, can you believe I'm still saying "holla" in 2008?! Here's a quick example: Okay, sorry.
Well in that case, I'll just start off with the yearly Gen GuY resolution: And speaking of resolutions, maybe you'll be inspired by one of the celebrity resolutions on Funny or Die (which is a site to which I'm becoming addicted - wow, that's a lot of which). Look for a video from FoD (that's what the cool kids call it) in tomorrow's IOI.
Feliz Ano Nuevo.