Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Do Day: First Weak

I'm still working on getting this going and I don't want to put up any half-assed conversations up there and pawn them off as interviews because it's not fair to the doers or you readers. Neither are run-on sentences.

One thing I came across in this category last week was an image posted by Russell Davies. I found it profound and applicable to the ad industry (which I'm sure is why he put it up on his blog in the first place). I believe the next set of planners are going to be more like producers. I believe a lot of them already are. I believe it's something I want to become more like. Like seriously! (Please send me to Africa, MTV.)

So with that said, I know this is weak but I wanted to get in the habit of doing this weekly post. I'm a huge believer in the importance of gaining momentum in getting things done (and done better). Just think about any new business pitch in which you've been involved. How incredible are some of the things you create in a matter of weeks? How incredible would it be if you could build and sustain that energy in your office every day? (And let people go home and sleep.)

Lastly, in an attempt to hold myself to doing, I'm pledging to set up my Nike + and go for a run by the end of the week. Hollister.


Anonymous said...

Good for you. There's nothing like turning a great thought into a great action.

Seth said...

neil - thanks for coming by and for your words of encouragement. oh, and good luck with the juggling!