Monday, January 07, 2008

I'm Buying Nike +

Read two blog posts the other day that made me tip. The first at Influx Insights pointed me to the a page on the website with resolutions. Since one of my resolutions is to run more—I think I'm going to train for the NYC marathon this year, and if not that one, a different 26.2 mile event—and I haven't laced up the sneaks yet, I figured this was a relevant message and buying the gear would be an appropriate place to start. However, it wasn't until a couple of RSS feeds later that I hit Brand Flakes for Breakfast, which pointed me to this Nike Plus spot, that I realized there was no turning back.

I have a Nano already; a little (RED) one came with my black MacBook purchase back in May 2007. I had given it to my dad since I was rocking the U2 Limited Edition (bought for the color, not the love of the band - yes, that's how I roll and I can't be the only one). But since I saw it still sitting atop the microwave in the kitchen unopened when I returned home for the beginning of the holiday, I'm taking it back. I will pass big old original on to my pops so he can add his Rolling Stones and Dr. Wayne Dyer to my Girl Talk and Dj. Khaled.

So, I went to the Apple store and picked up the Nike + package with the sensor and receiver as well as a nano-holding arm-band.

Now all I'm lacking (to my knowledge) is a pair of Nike + shoes. Any suggestions? As much as I'd rather use my Mizunos and respect the efforts of non-Nike wearing predecessors, I don't see myself hacking this product.


mikekarnj said...

Welcome to the world of community running. Add me as friend when you get your Nike+ account. Screename is of course, mikekarnj. HOLLA

Adrian said...

OK I see 3-way 5K challenge!

I run in Free's with no pocket so I use a pouch. Bought it with an armband thing, can't remember which one.

Screen name is: adrianho

Seth said...

on it, this weekend. thanks adrian for finding this: